I would guess that this is not the first mom blog you have run across during your searching on google. We moms all need some help, including myself. Who am I kidding, I probably search more than most.
During these searches, whether on Google, YouTube, Facebook, or other sites, I have come across some of the most amazing leaders. These leaders are changing people’s lives one post at a time and they most definitely have changed mine. By the end of this article, you will discover how each amazing momma inspires me and so many others.
Ready? Let’s dive in!
Leader #1: Mama Doctor Jones
I feel as if there is no other choice than to begin with Mama Doctor Jones. This amazing momma is a mom of twin girls and a sweet little boy and to no surprise, she is a doctor. She practices as an OB/GYN and I was first introduced to her while watching one of Dr. Mike’s videos. She states that she is passionate about patient education and women’s health.
As a registered nurse who has practiced in labor and delivery, it is no surprise why I enjoy her content so much. Mama Doctor Jones discusses topics ranging from medical education to parenting to travel and so much more. Mama Doctor Jones is a must if you need a little laugh and encouragement through that mom medical question of yours.
You can learn more about Mama Doctor Jones here.
Leader #2: This Tiny Blue House
This Tiny Blue House is a blog devoted to food, family, and fun, as described on their site. This husband and wife duo loves nothing more than to spend quality time with family and that portrays through their post. Here you can find some of the most fun and creatives activities to incorporate into your life.
Not only are there kid crafts, but you can find posts about DIY projects, new recipes, and even how to start your own blog or make money online. This Tiny Blue House has it all and is always a perfect spot to land when needing inspiration.
You can learn more about This Tiny Blue House here.
Leader #3: What Moms Love
What Moms Love was originally created by Aly who was searching for a solution to finding the best baby products. There is a never-ending amount of strollers, baby bottles, and diapers, and what new mom has the time to decipher which is best. Aly decided she would solve this problem by comparing products and providing feedback to other new moms.
What Moms Love promises to give honest reviews, keep high standards, understand quality over quantity and provide healthy choices. That is what we all want right? What Moms Love is not only the perfect destination for finding the best product, but they also provide tips for everyday parenting.
You can learn more about What Moms Love here.
Leader #4: Swaddles n’ Bottles
Swaddles n’ Bottles was originally created after Caroline had her first sweet baby and wanted to help other new moms during this difficult time. Caroline provides information from pregnancy to newborn care and all the things in between. Her site explains her content as all things bump, baby, breastfeeding, and beyond.
Swaddles n’ Bottles has now grown more than ever expected and so has her family. If you are a momma struggling with a thousand questions about pregnancy or what to expect during labor or how to give your newborn the best care, this is the place to be. This phase of life can be filled with stress, so give yourself a break and let Caroline help.
Leader #5: Laura Scott and Co
Makes sense to start and now end with another amazing physician and introduce Laura with Laura Scott & Co. Laura is a dermatologist and momma of 4. I truly am amazed by these women! Laura uses her blog to inspire other moms as individuals. If you ever feel like you are struggling with self-doubt and need a super push, then I encourage you to go visit Laura Scott and Co.
Laura post content related to day-to-day activities, such as lunch ideas and bigger topics such as overcoming failures. And of course, she uses her wealth of knowledge to provide education related to skincare. Laura has inspired me personally and as a momma and I am so glad she is a leader in this space.
You can learn more about Laura Scott and Co here.
Putting It All Together
Not only are these great influencers, but they inspire moms in everyday parenting. Also, can we talk about how they are amazing women entrepreneurs? They take their stories, struggles, and problems and turn them into solutions that not only help them but serve others. I fully admire these leaders and hope to learn to do the same.
After gaining inspiration from these amazing mommas, please leave a comment telling me what you would like to gain most from this blog. I want to tailor my post to you and provide you with what you need.
