If you have heard of Endometriosis before it is likely you or someone you know has been affected by the disorder.
However, every person, and especially every female, should be familiar with these endometriosis facts.
Endometriosis Facts
#1 What Is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a reproductive disorder that happens when cells similar to those that make up the uterine lining implant outside of the uterus and pelvic cavity.
These cells end up in places and on organs where they don’t belong.
#2 How Many People Are Affected?
One out of 10 people are diagnosed with endometriosis.
That is 176 million + people!
However, endometriosis is very difficult to diagnose. It takes years, many tests, and surgery to get a diagnosis.
Therefore, it is likely many women are undiagnosed and that number is much higher.
#3 What Are The Symptoms?
Common symptoms are:
Pain in pelvic, lower back, and legs
Painful intercourse
Irregular and painful periods
Heavy bleeding
Digestive, bowel, and bladder problems
Ovarian cysts
Severe cramps
#4 What Causes Endometriosis
There are many speculations, but the only factual answer is the cause is unknown.
It is important to know that it is not contagious and there is nothing you could have done wrong to cause this.
There is a high possibility of a genetic link. Ask your mother and/or grandmother about her symptoms during menstration and if they had a hysterectomy performed early in life.
#5 How Is Endometriosis Diagnosed?
Endometriosis is very difficult to diagnose for many reasons.
One, it cannot be seen on an ultrasound. It would take a specialized individual and other testing to be able to identify endometriosis via ultrasound.
Two, it is often diagnosed through elimination. Your practitioner would first rule out any other possibility before considering endometriosis.
Third, laparoscopic surgery is the only definitive way to diagnose endometriosis.
#6 How Is Endometriosis Cured?
Similar to the causes, there have been many speculations about a cure.
It was once believed that a hysterectomy, getting pregnant, and birth control could cure the disorder. However, these are ineffective.
Excision surgery is the most effective way to remove endometriosis and relieve symptoms, but it is an incredibly difficult procedure and endometriosis lesions often return.
Therefore, there is not a 100% effective cure and most treatment is focused on symptom relief.
#7 Did You Do Anything to Cause Endometriosis?
One of the most important, if not the most important endometriosis fact you should learn from this is that
There is nothing you could have done to cause this.
As humans, we often want to find blame in someone or something to make sense of a situation, but that cannot always happen.
There is no one or nothing to blame and although it doesn’t make sense now, know that you are not alone and there is help and support out there.
How to Help Endometriosis Symptoms
Much of endometriosis treatment is symptom relief. From someone with endometriosis, these are some of my favorites ways to treat the symptoms.
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Any type of self-care is also a great way to treat symptoms. See 31 self-care ideas here.
Thank You for Learning About Endometriosis!
Spreading awareness will help so many women searching for answers.
To learn more about endometriosis, these are great places to start.