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5 Ways Toys and Tantrums Wants to Help you Enjoy Parenting

Writer: Brooke McIntoshBrooke McIntosh

My blog is here to help parents enjoy parenting. We all know that parenting, while very rewarding, is incredibly difficult. It is filled with toys and tantrums and so much more. Therefore, I would love nothing more than to inspire the beautiful mommas out there.

I will provide new craft ideas, tips with day-to-day activities, such as morning and nighttime routines, how to travel with kids, and so much more.

When you are able to find 5 free minutes to relax, feel free to come here and get new ideas, tips, and tricks, and feel empowered. Grab your favorite cup of coffee and go ahead and get that Little Debbie because you deserve it. Now we can relax and get inspired.

Here are 5 things I want to help you with most.

1. Provide new and easy activities to keep you and the kiddos creative

“I’m bored!” says the child who just received 1000 toys for Christmas last month. Doesn’t this just make you want to pull your hair out? If you ask why they are bored they will often tell you there is nothing to do, and you know how the conversation goes from there. To sum it up, we turn into our parents. Yikes!

If your child could understand they may tell you that what they are really searching for is attention and creativity. Even a 5-year-old can only play with Legos for so long, a 10-year-old can only watch so much television, and a 15-year-old can only play so many video games. So now, we have no choice but to get creative.

Creativity isn’t easy at first. As a mom, I usually stand in my own way. I think about the 20 other things that need to get done, what kind of mess this is going to make, and I am already figuring out my cleanup routine. However, while I provide some amazing creative activities I will also provide tips to make it enjoyable. Let’s learn how to enjoy this time with our children and soak it up while we can.

2. Assist you with making day-to-day activities less stressful

When I read #2 all I can see is the skit by the comedian Michael McIntyre about leaving the home. You just cannot understand how such a simple task becomes so difficult with children. I will be the first to admit that leaving the home is not an easy task around here. There are shoes that are lost and when they are found we decide that we need to change out socks and while we do that we think it’s best to get a different pair of pants, and the list goes on.

Although a simple task like this will always be challenging at times, I am confident that I can help you make them a little easier. I am talking about morning and nighttime routines, getting organized, planning dinners, packing lunches, and so on. I want to provide useful tips and tricks that will actually save time and limit stress. Wouldn’t even an extra 5 minutes be lovely?

3. Recommend the best toys, books, and places that keep the crazy kiddos less crazy

If your children are anything like mine, then you understand why I chose to describe them as crazy. My son is a ball full of energy from the time he gets up until the time his head hits the pillow. Something my husband and I try to focus a lot on is ways my son can burn his energy so that he is able to focus when it’s needed.

My favorite and most effective ways to achieve this are by going on adventures. This is what my son and I call any trips we take. Could be something small like going to the store or something a bit bigger like going to the museum. I want to recommend our favorite places to go adventuring and how to make them enjoyable, not stressful.

When an adventure is not plausible, because of weather or maybe a global pandemic, there are so many other options. There are thousands of toys, books, and other tools to keep your child entertained and thinking. I would like to recommend what I think are the best options out there, not for your child to entertain themselves, but for you and your child to interact together.

Here is a list of the 5 Best Mask for Children if you are needing help with making mask-wearing less stressful.

4. Manage that perfect work-life balance you’ve always wanted

We all know parenting is a full-time job. Most of us parents also have another full-time job. So then how do we cope with 2 full-time jobs? We need help! They weren’t lying when they said raising a child takes a village and I am so thankful for my village. However, it still feels impossible to achieve the perfect work-life balance, but I have a secret to tell you, it is possible!

Ok, so yes of course there are different variables such as work schedules and the number of kiddos you have running around that can make any situation different. However, I promise you I can provide useful tips to make a change in your lives. Let me be a part of your village and find solutions to allow you to have the time to enjoy parenting.

5. Empower you to gain confidence in your parenting. Because momma, you are doing one heck of a job!

So, by now we have established that parenting is a lot of work. Most parents strive to improve their parenting, why, because they love their children and don’t give themselves enough credit. You are your worst critic. I believe it is so important to have confidence in yourself as a parent. There is no better parent for your child than you.

While advice from other parents can be incredibly useful, you know what’s best for your kiddo. I hope to empower you so that your confidence can rise and when faced with outside criticism you can stand tall and know you are doing what is best.

Momma, if you made it this far and are searching for ways to enjoy parenting, then you are already an amazing mom. Give credit where credit is due and put your mask on first (says the flight attendant). Let me provide consistent empowerment so you can be the best version of you.

To find more momma empowerment, here are The Top 5 Influencers Inspiring Parents

Putting It All Together

Toys and tantrums are surrounding your world at this phase of life, so let’s work together to enjoy every moment we can snatch up. Hang out with me to see how to incorporate new activities, make day-to-day life less stressful, explore new adventures, manage a work-life balance, and improve your confidence. I am so excited to go on this journey with you.

Please share what topics would be the most helpful for your parenting journey. Toys and Tantrums wants to make your parenting journey easier.


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